
the premise of this website is to have a website

I simply code and live, nothing more to it than that!

I still wrestle with the craft of web development, as it has shifted so much over the years:

  • In the 2000's, we only had to make websites work on a desktop
  • Then, in the 2010's, we had to find ways to make a website look good on something the size of a hand
  • Nowadays, we are everywhere, from accessibility to artificial intelligence

Still, I did not build this website to talk about anything in particular. My slogan is "coding and living", with the "living" part allowing me some open-endedness in what I write here.

This will not be a coding-only blog ... too bad! 😆


My interests actually have to do with patterns and places:

^ St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia, Bulgaria in October 2022

  • digital cartography
  • programming
  • real estate
  • sports statistics
  • travel

I also just like giant pandas for no reason at all 🐼


Furthermore, you can find me on these websites: